1. The da[email protected]
ta co ntroller (h ereinafter: “D ata Co ntroller”) of pe rsonal da ta co llected on the we bpage ht tp://www.blackwhite-media.com is Bl ack & Wh ite Me dia ; El ectronic ma il ad dress:2. Co
mpany is co mmitted to pr otecting yo ur pe rsonal in formation. Th is Privacy Po licy le ts you kn ow wh at in formation we co llect wh en you use our se rvices, why we co llect th is in formation and how we use the co llected information.3. Pl
ease no te th at th is Privacy Po licy wi ll be ag reed be tween you and . (‘ We’, ‘U s’ or ‘O ur’, as ap propriate). Th is Privacy Po licy is an in tegrated pa rt of the Te rms and Co nditions, and all ca pitalized te rms us ed in th is Privacy Po licy have the me aning de fined for th em in the Te rms of Se rvices pu blished on the we bsite ht tp://www.blackwhite-media.com4. Us
ers pe rsonal da ta is pr ocessed on the ba sis ofa) ar
ticle 6 (1 b) of re gulation (E U) 20 16/679 of the Eu ropean Pa rliament and of the Co uncil of 27 Ap ril 20 16 on the pr otection of na tural pe rsons with re gard to the pr ocessing of pe rsonal da ta and on the fr ee mo vement of su ch da ta, and re pealing Di rective 95 /46/EC (" GDPR"), i. e, pr ocessing is ne cessary for the pe rformance of se rvices pr ovided by the Co mpany –t he pu rchase and ex change of vi rtual cu rrencies as de fined in the te rms and co nditions (h ereinafter: “S ervices”). The le gal ba sis of pr ocessing is co ntractual necessity.b) ar
ticle 6 (1 c) of GD PR, i. e. pr ocessing is ne cessary for co mpliance with a le gal ob ligation to wh ich the Da ta Co ntroller is su bject; i. e. the da ta pr ocessing is ne cessary in or der to co mply with the Da ta Co ntroller’s le gal ob ligation, su ch as tax ob ligations or ob ligations un der Di rective (E U) 20 18/843 of the Eu ropean Pa rliament and of the Co uncil of 30 May 20 18 am ending Di rective (E U) 20 15/849 on the pr evention of the use of the fi nancial sy stem for the pu rposes of mo ney la undering or te rrorist fi nancing, and am ending Di rectives 20 09/138/EC and 20 13/36/EU; Di rective (E U) 20 15/849 of the Eu ropean Pa rliament and of the Co uncil of 20 May 20 15 on the pr evention of the use of the fi nancial sy stem for the pu rposes of mo ney la undering or te rrorist fi nancing, am ending Re gulation (E U) No 64 8/2012 of the Eu ropean Pa rliament and of the Co uncil, and re pealing Di rective 20 05/60/EC of the Eu ropean Pa rliament and of the Co uncil and Co mmission Di rective 20 06/70/EC (t ext with EEA re levance), he reinafter the ‘A ML Di rective’.c) ar
ticle 6( 1f) of GD PR, i. e. t he Da ta Co ntroller’s le gitimate in terest in cluding, wi thout li mitation, im proving the qu ality of se rvices and ad apting th em to the ne eds of the Us ers, in terested pa rties and vi sitors, re sponding to yo ur re quests, ma king the we bsite and the se rvices mo re ef fective, sa feguarding the se curity of the Co ntroller’s we bsite, se nding out the ne wsletter and ma rketing the Co ntroller’s own Services;d) ar
ticle 6( 1a) GD PR i. e. fr eely gi ven co nsent for da ta pr ocessing c oncerning a re quest su bmitted via the co ntact fo rm av ailable at ht tp://www.blackwhite-media.com or us ing the co ntact da ta av ailable at ht tp://www.blackwhite-media.com, wh erein ma king co ntact with the Da ta Co ntroller al ong with pr oviding Pe rsonal da ta is tr eated as an ex pression of the re quired consent;5. E-
Services and Se rvice Ag reement are not in tended for pe rsons yo unger th an ei ghteen (1 8) ye ars of ag e. Da ta Co ntroller has no in tention of pr ocessing th eir pe rsonal da ta. If Us er is yo unger th an 18, he or she sh ould n not use the Da ta Co ntroller’s E- Services and Se rvices and sh ould not se nd any in formation ab out him or he rself.6. Us
ers pe rsonal da ta wi ll be pr ocessed for the ne cessary pe riod of ti me. As a ru le it wi ll be ne cessary pe riod for the pr oper pe rforming od Se rvices and the fu lfillment of ob ligations of the Da ta Co ntroller re sulting fr om ap plicable la ws. Us ers has be en ad vised the Da ta Co ntroller wi ll be en title to pr ocess Us ers pe rsonal da ta lo nger if su ch ob ligation ar ises fr om the law and in or der to cl aim or de fend ag ainst cl aims by th ird pa rties. De pending on the sc ope of pe rsonal da ta and the pu rposes of th eir pr ocessing, th ey may be st ored for a di fferent pe riod. In any ca se, a lo nger pe riod of pr ocess of pe rsonal da ta is ap plicable.7. Us
er has the ri ght to:8. Us[email protected]
ers can use the ab ove ri ghts and ob tain de tailed in formation ab out th em by co ntact with Da ta Co ntroller:9. Ba
sed on Us ers pe rsonal da ta, the Da ta Co ntroller wi ll not ma ke au tomated de cisions, in cluding de cisions re sulting fr om pr ofiling.10. The re
cipients of Us ers pe rsonal da ta wi ll be on ly en tities au thorized to ob tain pe rsonal da ta on the ba sis of le gal pr ovisions, i. e. a pr ovider of ac counting and ba nking se rvices, a pr ovider of te chnology-related se rvices (s upport of Da ta Co ntroller’s we bsites), co urier se rvice pr oviders, and pr inting and de livery of co rrespondence ma il.11. The Da
ta Co ntroller ma kes ev ery ef fort to en sure all me ans of ph ysical, te chnical and or ganizational pr otection of pe rsonal da ta ag ainst th eir ac cidental or de liberate de struction, ac cidental lo ss, al teration, un authorized di sclosure, use or ac cess in ac cordance with all ap plicable regulations.12. Us
ers pe rsonal da ta is pr ocessed el ectronically and ma nually, in ac cordance with the me thods and pr ocedures re lated to the pr ocessing pu rposes re ferred to in po int. 2 of th is clause.13. The Da
f no de cision of the Eu ropean Co mmission co nfirming an ad equate le vel of pr otection re ferred to in Ar ticle 45 (3) of the GD PR has be en is sued and in the ab sence of the sa feguards li sted in Ar ticle of the 46 of the GD PR, in cluding bi nding co rporate ru les, Co mpany wi ll ask Us ers to gr ant hi s/her ex press co nsent for a tr ansfer to a th ird co untry or in ternational or ganisation af ter ad vising Us ers ab out the po ssible ri sks of su ch tr ansfer pu rsuant to Ar ticle 49 (1)(a) of the GD PR.
In co nnection with the tr ansfer of Us ers da ta ou tside the EEA Us ers may re quest in formation ab out sa feguards us ed in th is re spect, ob tain a co py of su ch sa feguards or in formation ab out the pl ace in wh ich th ey are sh ared by co ntacting the Da ta Controller.
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Website ht tp://www.blackwhite-media.com us es co okies for yo ur au tomatic re cognition as a re gistered Us er af ter you log (l og in) or in ca se you wi sh to br owse se cure su bpages, for yo ur au tomatic re cognition wh en us ing E- Services and co ncluding/performing Se rvice Ag reement, wh ich are ne cessary for the st orage of te chnical da ta, to im prove the pe rformance of our we bsite, to pe rsonalize yo ur in terface and pe rsonalization of our we bsite op eration, or in or der to pr ovide on line co ntent th at co rresponds to yo ur ch oices and in terests.
When you ac cess our we bsite or use our se rvices, we, or co mpanies we hi re to tr ack how our we bsite is us ed, may pl ace sm all da ta fi les ca lled “c ookies” on yo ur computer.
Sometimes our pa ge us es co okies pr ovided by tr usted th ird pa rties. Co okies pl aced on the Us er’s end de vice may al so be us ed by ad vertisers and pa rtners co operating with the Da ta Co ntroller. It is re commended to re ad the pr ivacy po licy of th ese en tities in or der to le arn the ru les of us ing co okies us ed in the st atistics. Co okies may be us ed by ad vertising ne tworks, in pa rticular the Go ogle ne twork, to di splay ad vertisements ta ilored to the ma nner in wh ich the Us er us es the We bsite. For th is pu rpose, th ey can sa ve in formation ab out the Us er’s na vigation pa th or the ti me of st aying on a gi ven pa ge. In te rms of in formation ab out Us er pr eferences co llected by the Go ogle ad vertising ne twork, the Us er may vi ew and ed it in formation de rived fr om co okies us ing the to ol: ht tps://www.google.com/ads/preferences/
In or
der to ma nage co okie se ttings, the Us er sh ould se lect the web br owser / sy stem fr om the li st be low and fo llow the in structions: